Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tips for better gym workout

1- Get your gym bag ready well in advance. 
 If you are late for work and you must choose between brushing your teeth and packing your gym gear, I won't blame you for wanting to have fresh breath. So pack your gym bag before going to bed and all you have to do is remember to pick it up.

2- Eat a little something before you work out. A small piece of fruit and/or some fat free yogurt with a couple of spoonful of cereals will do, especially if you work out first thing in the morning. In any case, try to go to the gym on a relatively (but not completely) empty stomach.

3- Warm up and stretch, before and after you work out. You don't want to get hurt, so a few minutes on the treadmill (brisk walking is fine) and a few simple stretches of the body parts you intend to exercise are essential. Once you get used to it, you will find out that you can perform a standard routine of stretches and warm-up in as little as five minutes.Once you are finished, repeat the stretches to cool down and elongate those hard-worked muscles.

4- Plan your workout. Decide in advance what you are going to do and go over it on your way there or while you warm up and stretch.

5- Do not work out for too long. Apparently, after about 45 minutes of intense exercise your body does not benefit any longer and all you do goes to waste. If you are having fun, you are free to continue. Most days though my idea of fun does not involve thrashing around heavy objects. Make it intense and short, that's all you need.

6- Eat properly. Diet and exercise go well together. Extreme dieting and intense exercise are a recipe for disaster. Eat well, eat varied, treat yourself every now and then and your body will have the necessary fuel to go the extra mile. A fitter body burns more calories and will allow you to eat more.

7- Get plenty of sleep. I feel a bit of a fraud writing this as my average is about six hours per night, but it has been proven that muscles grow when you sleep. They need plenty of time and rest to recover and build themselves up for further challenges.


  1. Hey, i really like this blog. Helped me fit exercisingin with my regural day. And im thinking onswitching to chicken from now on =D Im just starting out on my own health tips blog at


    its not much right now but it will be getting better =D
